Real P.E at home
Your parents should have been given a login for Real P.E at home – the P.E scheme we follow in school.
This week we want you to look at ‘dynamic balance’. When you have logged in, select KS2 and then find the dynamic button on the left hand side.
Each day, practise one of the skills. A suggestion would be to start on blue and either work your way down to red if it is too challenging, or up to pink if it is too easy. Focus on the language and do not rush – ‘maintaining balance’, ‘walk fluidly’, ‘with my eyes closed’. On Friday, we will be using these skills in some activities.
Physical activity
You can also still choose 2 of the NETFLEX activities to do each day or pick one of the 10 minute Disney shake ups to do each day to boost your physical activity.
Your new spellings sheet for this half term can found by clicking here.
This week, your spelling rule is: statutory words.
Complete the activity found on your spellings sheet which is: look up the meaning in the dictionary of any words you are unsure of and write down the meaning. Then, choose 5 words and write a short story, including all of the words you have chosen.
You can also practise your spellings using the spelling menu or by completing the word mats found below.
Complete the RIC activity about the botanist, Janaki Ammal. Botany is the study of plants.
This half term in science, we will be learning about the Life Cycles of Plants.
The books below are on MyOn. Two of them are traditional fairy tales with a twist and one of them is a non-fiction book.
All of them have a link in some way with a flowering plant!
Choose one of them, and click on the link to read the book. Then log onto Accelerated Reader to take the quiz.
English (grammar)
L: Using commas to clarify meaning
Watch the video explaining why commas are so important to clarify what a sentence is actually saying. Then, complete the activities below.
L: Recapping how to add fractions
Last half term we learnt a few different methods of how to add fractions. Watch the video here to remind yourself of the different ways, then complete one of the worksheets.
This task has been set via Teams assignments. You should complete your work on a piece of paper and then take a picture or upload an electronic document you have worked on.
This term's Jigsaw PSD focus is the topic of 'Healthy Me'. The Learning for Week 1 is on the dangers of smoking.
Everyone should read the information text. Please then choose one of the activities to complete.
Being Healthy is also about looking after yourself. A big part of this is about feeling happy and taking some time to do things that you enjoy. When you have completed the main activities, please take some time to do something you enjoy on Monday afternoons as well. Keep this activity away from a screen to give your eyes and brain a break from it. If you like, keep a journal of your Monday Mindful 'Me-Time' activity. It will give you a feeling of satisfaction to look back on and see all you have achieved in taking time out to look after your own well-being.
Book Talk!
We had another enjoyable Book-Talk session this afternoon and had a great time sharing our love of reading. You can see the pictures of the books we talked about this week below. Which ones do you think you might like to try reading?
L: Vocabulary and Prediction
Click here to watch lesson video
Once you have watched the lesson video. Complete the activity below. You can either print it or create your own on plain paper.
L: To identify and work out the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary
Click here to watch lesson video first.
L: Subtract mixed numbers
Watch the video exploring how to subtract mixed numbers. Then complete the worksheets below.
L: What are the parts and functions of a flower?
Watch the video lesson here and then complete the tasks below.
All of these tasks can be completed without printing resources. You just need to watch the video and follow the instructions.
However the support sheets could be printed if you have access to a printer and find it easier to copy from paper rather than a screen.
Task 1) Watch the video.
Task 2) Draw the flower (We would like to see hand drawn flowers as much possible please).
Task 3) Label the parts of the flower.
Task 4) Write the definition to explain the function of each part of the flower.
L: Find poetic devices and annotate a poem
Watch the lesson video here first.
Then use the poem and toolkit below to annotate the poem. Which poetic devices has TS Eliot used? How many can you spot?!
L: Subtracting fractions - breaking the whole
Watch the video made by White Rose exploring what happens when we 'break the whole' when subtracting fractions. Then complete the tasks below. The reasoning is chilli challenged - you only need to complete one of them.
Watch the lesson video here about William Morris. Then, create a biography to include key information about him. See if you can make your biography artistic in his style!
Guided reading
LIVE LESSON (All to attend)
L: Close read - Commentating
We would like everyone at home to attend this live lesson. It is important that you come to the session so you can learn how to answer the independent questions on Friday.
If, for some reason, you are unable to attend the PowerPoint is available below.
Today you can choose your activity. Only do one of the following.
1. Write your own rhyming poem in the style of Macivity. It could be about your pet or an animal in your imagination. Use the poetry toolbox to help you.
Click here for poetry writing video from bbc teach.
Upload to website if you choose to write a poem
2. Complete the Macavity Comprehension below. Remember to use quotes to back up your answers.
Please complete the below arithmetic paper. Give yourselves 20 minutes to see how much you can do. Have you noticed you can answer some of the fractions questions a little easier now? All we ask is you try your best!
Go through the lesson presentation below and follow the video links.
This task has been set as an assignment on MS Teams and will show in your assignments on Friday morning. Please do not try and complete before Friday.
Below is the Powerpoint explaining your independent activity for today. You can use this if you have issues with Teams - but if possible we would like to see tasks set on Teams, uploaded to Teams
Complete the 3 assigned tasks on mathletics: identifying fractions beyond one, add like fractions and subtract like fractions. Then spend 20 minutes on TT Rockstars.
Login to Real P.E using the username and password sent out just before half term via an App message. Then, complete the 'Training circuit' and 'Original sequence' activities below the dynamic balance skills you should have been practicing all week.
Watch the lesson video about Agape and The Good Samaritan and take the quiz alongside the video. There are two links to others videos you will need for this lesson on the timetable.