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A perfect start to the new football season...

Families and supporters in attendance  were treated to a perfect performance from the boys' school football team who began their large schools' football league season this evening at West Warwickshire Sports' Centre. 


Unfortunately, their second game against Sharman's Cross was forfeited by the opposition meaning the team had already accrued a 3-0 win without even kicking a ball!  Could they now make it two wins out of two in their first game against Olton Primary?  The answer was most definitely yes! 


Sporting their new Greswold football kits, courtesy of our wonderful PTA, the players performed wonderfully well and were a credit to their teachers, their families and the whole school community.  The final result was 5-0 to Greswold, a perfect platform from which to continue next week with tough games against Dorridge and Balsall Common. 


A special mention should also to go to the other year 5 and 6 boys who, in yesterday's lunchtime football club, helped to prepare the team for their first game with a really competitive training session.  All in all, a real whole school team performance!  Well done everyone.  
