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Year 5 - Week 4 (25.1.21)


Click here to watch this weeks overview video.

Daily activities                                                                                 


​​​Choose 2 of the NETFLEX activities to do each day. Your main P.E activity for the week will be on Friday.


If you haven't already, encourage your family to take part in the Active Together 2021 competition by completing this log with your family. You can find all the details here!


Keep reading everyday: 20 minutes of reading is the recommended amount.

Choose one of your own books from home or look on the timetable for further suggestions from either MyOn or stories recorded for you on the website.  We encourage you to join Solihull Library online as well so that you can access their e-book library for free, but you will need your parent or carer's help and permission to do this.   Oak National Academy are now publishing one free e-book a week on their website.  Click here to take a look and discover this week's book. The Year 5 class reader is also below!



L: I can vary my sentence starters.

1) Read through the Powerpoint pdf exploring different ways to start your sentences. 

2)  Watch the video which explains today's task. 

3) Find the sentence starter examples in Text Example 1 - The Sloth text.

4) Find the sentence starter examples in the Text example 2 - the Rhino text.

5) Write your own piece of writing, including examples of sentence starters.  Apply your knowledge of some of the sentence starter examples in the PPT as well as some of your own.


L: Identify equivalent fractions


Click here to view the video for today's lesson.


L: to understand the term 'sector' and create an advert for a job vacancy.

Open the document below to follow the lesson.


Guided Reading
Learning skill: Vocabulary
L: Answer questions using evidence from the text.


L: Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers


Click here to view today's lesson video.



Guided Reading
Click here to listen to the chapters for today
Or read it yourself below
L: Create a character using prior knowledge.
Click here for lesson video
You can use one of the character templates below if you would like.
Use these to help you choose exciting vocabulary!


L: Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions


Click here to view today's video lesson.


L: To create a drawing of an accurate Victorian street scene


Click here to watch the video discussing Victorian streets and buildings and then complete the task outlined in the video. Below are some links that may be useful for your research.



​​​​​​Class Reader

Listen to chapter 6 of Charlie Morphs into a Mammoth here.

Guided Reading
Learning skill: Vocabulary 

Today's Guided Reading is a live online session we would like everyone to attend. 


If you are unable to join our live lesson, this is the PowerPoint we will be going through. 

L: Create a character using prior knowledge.
Lesson video here
You may find these useful


Give yourself 20 minutes to complete arithmetic paper 8b, then mark your answers to see how you got on!

L: Create a persuasive poster about chimney sweeps
Please watch lesson video here


​​​​​​Class Reader

Listen to chapter 7 of Charlie Morphs into a Mammoth here.

Guided Reading
Learning Skill: Vocabulary


Complete the 4 activities that have been set for you on Mathletics. Then, spend 20 minutes of TT Rockstars practising your tables that will be needed when working with fractions over the next few weeks!


Complete the OAA activities which can be found on the timetable. See if you can get as many family members involved as you can! 


L: What is Love?


Firstly, watch the first two videos (links on timetable). Then, follow the lesson video looking at different types of love. Your tasks can be found on the video.
