Click here to watch the weekly overview video explaining the work for Week 5.
A 'Book-Talk' Reading video will appear under the 'Reading' section later in the week.
Choose 2 of the NETFLEX activities to do each day or pick one of the 10 minute Disney shake ups to do each day. Your main P.E activity for the week will be on Friday.
If you haven't already, encourage your family to take part in the Active Together 2021 competition by completing this log with your family. You can find all the details here!
This week, your spelling rule is: statutory words.
Complete the activity found on your spellings sheet which is using the spelling menu to practice your words in at least 3 different ways. You can also have a go at the spelling mats below.
Reading for Pleasure
Oak Academy's Virtual Library book continues to be 'The Girl who Stole an Elephant' by Nizrana Farook.
The MyOn Graphic Novel recommendation for this week is 'The Lost World'. This version is adapted by David Rodriguez.
The RIC for this morning's reading task is below.
Remember RIC stands for: R = Retrieval; I = Inference; C = (Author's Choice).
L: Using dialogue to describe characters
Watch the video explaining the different ways dialogue can improve your writing, then complete the sheet writing a piece of dialogue between the two characters.
L: Number sequences with fractions
Watch the video and complete the fluency and reasoning tasks. I have uploaded these as word documents on Teams so you can add your answers. If this doesn't work, submit your work through the website as usual.
This piece of work should be submitted through Teams assignments. You can edit the word document OR upload a picture of your work to the assignments section in Teams.
Watch the 'Sing Up' singing lessons on YouTube here.
Listen to the teacher explanation video here.
Find the 2 videos that you need to watch embedded in the BBC Ten Pieces Tasters webpage here. (The video above tells you which ones to watch).
RSPB Big Bird Watch
The RSPB big bird watch happened this weekend as some of you might have known, but if you did not get the chance to particpate, now is your time! Sit next to a window that overlooks a garden, or an area such as your driveway or the road. Count the birds that you see land in one hour. Do not count the birds flying, count the birds that land in trees or on the ground. Have a go at recognising them using the ID chart which can be found on the website.
You can still submit your results online at and submit any photo’s you take on the Greswold website here:
Class Reader
We hope you have enjoyed your day :-)
Click here to listen to the next part of Charlie Morphs into a Mammoth.
L: Compare and order fractions less than 1
Watch the video explaining how to compare and order fractions less than 1. Then have a go at the worksheet and reasoning found below.
L: How do Life Cycles across the Animal Kingdom Compare
This week's science learning is also set on Microsoft Teams Assignments. Please log on to Microsoft Teams Assignments to check that it is there and send it back to your teacher using the 'hand in' option.
Watch the video here explaining what you need to do for science this week.
L: Enjoy listening to a story!
Click here to listen to me reading chapters 15-17 of Oliver Twist
Or you can read it to yourself on the PDF below.
You can plan your extract however you like, bullet points, story map etc
Here are some storyboard templates you may wish to use.
L: Compare and order fractions greater than 1
Watch the video explaining how to compare and order fractions that are greater than 1. Complete the fluency questions in the video, then have a go at the chilli challenged reasoning worksheets.
Watch the video all about L.S. Lowry (a painter around during Victorian Times). Then, complete the task outlined in the video. You will need a pencil and something to draw on - try to be resourceful and pick something you wouldn't usually use.
Have a go at completing this weeks arithmetic paper. Give yourself 20 minutes to see how much you can do. Then, mark your paper to see how you get on. Remember, all we ask is you try your best!
Complete the 3 activities that have been set for you on Mathletics. These are all based around what you have been learning this week. With your remaining time, have a play on TT Rockstars. Your quick fact recall is so important when learning about fractions!
Click here to watch the video explaining todays French learning. Then complete the chilli challenged sheets below.
Have a go at the two OAA activities below. How many points can you score?